Here is a list of abbreviations and terms commonly used in school. We hope this is of some help to you:

EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage – Nursery & Reception

KS1 Key stage 1 Y1 & Y2

KS2 Key stage 2 Y3 – Y6

AFL Assessment for Learning

AMA Academically More Able

EAL English as an Additional Language – Refers to children whose first language(s) is/are not English and who may not yet be speaking English fluently or even at all.

OFSTED Office for Standards in Education

DBS Disclosure & Barring Service (formerly CRB)

DfE Department for Education

EHC Plan Educational Health Care Plan – supports young children who have special educational needs

FOHPS Friends of Hartburn Primary School – Volunteer fundraising group

FSM Free School Meals

G & T Gifted and Talented

HLTA Higher Level Teaching Assistant

HMI Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools

INSET In-Service Education and Training – Training for staff which takes place during the school year.

ITT Initial Teacher Training

LA Local Authority

LAC Looked after children

MFL Modern Foreign Languages

NQT Newly Qualified Teacher

PD Day Professional Development Day for teachers, school closed to children

PE Physical Education

PPA Planning, Preparation and Assessment Time to which teachers are entitled

PSHE Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

QTS Qualified Teacher Status

RE Religious Education

SATs Standard Attainment Tests/Tasks – National Curriculum Tests and Tasks which take place at the end of Key Stage 1 and at the end of Key Stage 2.

SEND Special Educational Needs and Disability – The Code of Practise 2014 states ‘A child has SEND where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, that is provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.’

SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

SIP School Improvement Plan

SLT Senior Leadership Team

SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar

TA Teaching Assistant

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