Please find below a list of our Governing Body here at Hartburn Primary School:

Head Teacher
Mrs Claire Park  – 01/09/20 –

I am an experienced Head Teacher and was employed as Head of School at Hartburn in 2020. I feel incredibly privileged to lead such passionate staff and to grow determined and motivated children who love to learn. Our Hartburn Hopes encompass the virtues that are important to us in our school community: honesty, resilience, respect, ambition, compassion and integrity. I am proud of the bespoke curriculum that we are developing at Hartburn which fosters a deep knowledge and love of our local heritage; Children at Hartburn are very proud and respectful citizens of Teesside. We enjoy lots of strong links with local schools and businesses. Children can recognise and talk about local landmarks, the development of our region and the opportunities it can offer.

There is a deep desire in our school that all children gain a sense of self and a sense of place to develop resilience and an understanding of heritage. Skill development such as oracy, reading, writing, critical thinking and reasoning across the curriculum are a key focus to enable children to access knowledge so they can grapple and debate. Children need to understand that they can make a real difference and they need to know what matters now, locally, nationally and internationally.

I am incredibly excited about our school development; my role on the local governing body galvanises positive change to improve outcomes for all of the children at Hartburn Primary School.

Chair of Governors

Claire Berry

I have lived in Hartburn all my life. I have been married for over 14 years and have 2 children, not forgetting Rolo our chocolate Labrador. Since September 2022, I have worked for South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as an ICT Project Manager, where I pride myself on ensuring the safety and wellbeing of patients and staff. Prior to this I have had over 20 years’ experience of working with and supporting children, young people and their families, both within the voluntary and statutory sector.

As a former pupil of Hartburn Primary School, I have many happy memories of the time I spent there, so I am delighted to be elected as Chair of Governors to help the school and wider community grow. I am passionate about helping children to improve their life skills and opportunities, alongside helping them to overcome barriers to learning

Staff Governor

Mr Mark Whitecross

My name is Mark Whitecross and I was elected to the governing body as staff governor in January 2021. I am an experienced teacher who has worked at the school for the past 12 years. I currently teach in Year 2 and am also the school’s PE lead, an area of the curriculum which I am very passionate about. I have three children, the eldest of which is a student at Hartburn Primary School. I am passionate about playing a part in the continuing improvement of the school and giving the pupils the best possible opportunities to thrive.  

Associate Member

Mrs Lindsey Wain

My name is Lindsey Wain and I have the pleasure to work alongside the Head of School and governors as Deputy Teacher. I joined the governing body as an Associate Governor in January 2021, following my appointment to Deputy Head.  I am a link governor for Maths and work with Carolyn Yule, the link governor for Foundation subjects and Claire Berry, who is the link governor for Health & Safety have been at Hartburn since September 2015, first as a teacher in Year 6 and leader of Key Stage 2, and then subsequently as a deputy head.  I enjoy working with our governors to help facilitate our motto of ‘Life-long Learning’.  I am especially passionate about offering a broad and balanced curriculum, and am proud of the bespoke broad and balanced curriculum that Hartburn has to offer.  Whilst I am a Designated Safe-guarding Lead, I am also a Designated Mental Health Lead, charged with supporting and leading the Wellbeing of staff and pupils – a successful school relies on the wellbeing of its school community.

Parent Governor

Ann-Marie Wilson

I am a Mum to two children in the school, currently year 2 and year 4 and my aim is to be able to represent other parents to make sure that school provides the best possible opportunities and experiences for all our children. I have been a Local Authority Lawyer for over 15 years, specialising in child protection issues, along with some education areas such as school appeals. I hope that my experience can prove useful as a member of the Governing body.

Co-opted Governors (voted in by full Governing Body)

Mrs Jill Ellison – 04/10/22 – 03/10/2026

Mrs Janet Beadle – 09/05/22 – 08/05/26

Mrs Margaret Morgan – 15/03/23 – 14/03/27

Parent Governors (voted in by pen portrait and ballot to all parents in school)
Mrs Claire Berry – 12/12/19 – 11/12/23
Mrs Ann-Marie Wilson 16/12/19 – 15/12/23

Mr Christopher Bowey – 18/04/23-17/04/27

Miss Emily Cheesman


Chair of Governors
Mrs Claire Berry

Vice Chair of Governors
Mrs Ann-Marie Wilson

Safeguarding Governor
Mrs Claire Berry

SEN/DDA/Inclusion Governors
Mrs Janet Beadle

Pupil Premium Governor

Mrs Anne-Marie Wilson

Articles of Association
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