Hartburn Primary School Childcare Provision

The government expects all schools to have wraparound childcare on the school site, unless there is a reasonable justification not to, having considered all support available. Wraparound childcare is defined as childcare that ‘wraps around’ the conventional school day, i.e. provision directly before and after the school day, during school term time for school-age children. It also refers to childcare provision in the school holidays.

There are many benefits to wraparound childcare, for children, families and schools. These can vary, but may


  • Enabling parents to work or study.
  • Supporting vulnerable children.
  • Offering enriching activities that children enjoy.
  • Attracting parents to the school.
  • Supporting a soft start to the school day and attendance.
  • Investing fees into the school or community facilities.

Hartburn Primary School believes in creating a safe, welcoming and stimulating environments for all the children in its care and will support parents to access affordable and convenient wraparound childcare by delivering, or facilitating provision that is child-centred, easily accessible, and responds to the needs of their families.

Provision should:

  • Be regular.
  • Have longer hours.
  • Be more dependable for working parents.
  • Not require parents to pick their children up from school and drop them off at another location.

Hartburn currently offers Breakfast Club and After School Club Provision.:

  • Breakfast Club (£5 per session) operates on a morning before school from 7:30am until school starts at 8:45am. 
  • Enrichment clubs (£3.50 per session) operate 3:15pm until 4:15pm.
  • Afterschool Child Care Club (£12 per session) operates from 3:15pm until 6:00pm. 

Registration for these provisions can be completed via the school office who will also provide details of booking and payment arrangements. We also accept childcare vouchers.

E. enquiries@hartburn.org.uk

T. 01642 646001

Breakfast and Afterschool Child Care Clubs are operated by school staff; the clubs offer children a fantastic start and end to the day by providing a balanced breakfast (morning), healthy snack (afternoon) and a range of activities for them to engage in. This wraparound provision is held in the school dining hall which can be accessed via the main pedestrian entrance on Adelaide Grove.

The financial sustainability of the childcare provision is a crucial factor in determining its long-term viability, especially as it can take time to grow demand. School will not be able to deliver wraparound or holiday childcare if demand is too low.

Where the school decides not to continue with wraparound and/or holiday childcare we will clearly signpost parents to the local Family Information Service which will have up to date information about the availability of local childcare.

Contact Name

Families Information Service


01642 527225





Shared values and mutual respect will be an essential part of any childcare provision on a school site. However, if parents or providers have a concern about how the ‘rights to request’ process has been managed they should take this up with the school. If they remain dissatisfied by the decision they may want to raise a formal complaint with the school.

Breakfast Club Registration Form
After School Care Club Registration Form
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