Hartburn currently offers Breakfast Club and After School Club Provision. Details are published on the school website and bookings can be made via the school office:

E. enquiries@hartburn.org.uk

T. 01642 646001

School will take the lead in managing the ‘rights to request’ process and the final decision about what action to take. Governing bodies will want to ensure that any provision is consistent with the school’s long-term strategic vision.

School requires the following information from parents in order to make a decision. This should include:

• the type of childcare requested;

• age range of the children requiring wraparound or holiday childcare; and

• when provision is most needed;

Parents’ requests should be written (by letter or email) and dated, so that the school can log requests and keep a record. School will monitor requests across the school year and only consider the requests when a sufficient number has been received.  If sufficient requests are received this will warrant progression to the next stage.  School will then take steps to fully understand the childcare needs of the families they serve. For example, the school will consult parents of all eligible children to test the demand and type of childcare provision requested.

The financial sustainability of the childcare provision is a crucial factor in determining its long-term viability, especially as it can take time to grow demand. School will not be able to deliver wraparound or holiday childcare if demand is too low.

School will inform parents about the outcome of the process in a timely fashion. This will be no longer than eight weeks from the time that they count the number of requests from parents. School will need to analyse parents’ requests, determine whether the care requested is a viable proposition for the school, discuss with their local authority and consult their governing body. School will tell parents how many requests were received and the reasons for the decision taken, and any next steps.

Where the school decides not to proceed with wraparound and / or holiday childcare we will clearly signpost parents to the local Family Information Service which will have up to date information about the availability of local childcare.

Contact Name

Families Information Service


01642 527225





Shared values and mutual respect will be an essential part of any childcare provision on a school site. However, if parents or providers have a concern about how the ‘rights to request’ process has been managed they should take this up with the school. If they remain dissatisfied by the decision they may want to raise a formal complaint with the school.

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