
As you may be aware due to recent media coverage, new Government legislation requires that children of school age should attend school for 190 days a year. This means that your child’s attendance percentage should be above 95%.

We place a high value on regular attendance so that children are given the opportunity to reach their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. We rely on parental support to achieve this. Please help us in the following ways:

If your child is absent please telephone (01642 646001) or come into school to let us know the reason why as soon as possible. We are legally required to follow up any unexplained absences by means of a telephone call or a home visit. If no valid explanation is given your child will receive an unauthorised absence mark that will be recorded. If your child’s absence falls below 95% you may be subject to attendance proceedings with the Educational Welfare Officer. Please see school’s attendance policy for further information.

Please ensure you book your family holiday during school holiday time as new Government legislation states that school are unable to authorise any leave of absence unless there are special circumstances which must be discussed with the Head Teacher. If a leave of absence is required then an authorisation request must be made at least two weeks prior. This form is available from the school office.

Should your child need to attend a medical appointment please try to ensure that this is made outside of school hours for non-emergency reasons. If you require an emergency appointment, please inform the school by telephone or in person to the school office.


We place a high value on children being in school on time so that children are given the opportunity to reach their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. We rely on parental support to achieve this. Please help us in the following ways by ensuring that:

  • Your child arrives at school between 8.45am and 9am each morning.
  • Please ensure that your child is collected promptly at 3.15pm.
  • If your child is in a Reception – Year 2 class, they need to be accompanied to and from school by a responsible adult over the age of 16 years old.
  • If your child goes home for lunch please make sure that she/he returns promptly at 1pm.
Leave of Absence Information
Leave of Absence Form - 2023/2024
Update to Attendance Regulations - August 2024
Education Welfare Letter
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