Ways that you can help your child progress and learn.

‘Play allows children to communicate ideas, to understand others through social interaction, paving the way to build deeper understanding and more powerful relationships. Children play to make sense of the world around them, and to find meaning in an experience by connecting it to something already known.’
Children are learning all the time. The conversations and interactions that you have with your child will help them learn, grown and develop. At Hartburn we want children to become inquisitive, independent learners who at a very early age, develop resilience and a deep love for learning which continues for the rest of their life.
Early Years Statutory Framework
By the end of Early Years, all children should achieve the Early Learning Goals. Nursery experiences prepare children with the skills and knowledge they need to achieve the ELG at the end of their Reception year.
Home Learning Expectations
Each week children will independently choose one book from the ‘Nursery Library’ to bring home. Please share this book and any others you may have at home, with your child.
Home Learning Books will come home with your child on a Friday. This book is for you to record any special moments or events you have with your child. You can also tell us about your favourite books you have read at home too. Your child may want to draw their favourite character. You can also annotate pictures and photographs. We love to share these in Nursery on a Friday.

Jolly Phonics at Hartburn Nursery
In Nursery, we teach a new sound, song and action each week. The JP story, song and action are uploaded to SEESAW for you to share at home.
Please read the story, teach the action and remind children of the correct pronunciation of the sound. As part of our learning, we make a collection of objects, fruit and animals that begin with the sound. This would be a great challenge to develop phonics fun at home.
We will also share a story and rhyme on SEESAW each week.

Please help by singing Nursery Rhymes and Action Songs at home.
Some of our favourite rhymes:
Five Little Ducks
Five Currant Buns
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
The Wheels on the bus
Wind a bobbin up
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
There were 10 in the Bed
Tommy Thumb
One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Baa, baa, black sheep
Humpty Dumpty
Jack and Jill
Hickory, Dickory, Dock
At Hartburn, children are expected to use Hartburn Handwriting from the beginning of their writing journey. As soon as children begin to make marks to represent letters we teach them how to from letters using our school script. Children learn to write their name using school script and this will continue when they are writing independently.

We send home copies of names so you can help your child practise using our school script at home.

We use maths all the time in everyday life. Maths in Early Years is very practical and hands on; children begin their learning journey using real life object and real life problems. Once they have an understanding of this they will then begin to learn ways to record their mathematical thinking. Below is a list of things that you can do at home to help your child develop and master mathematical skills:
- board games (snakes and ladders, frustration, monopoly, mouse trap, etc.) anything using a dice, counting, sharing, turn taking
- jigsaws
- dominos
- cards
- shape hunts
- learning when their birthday is
- order numbers
- number rhymes (five currant buns, 10 monkeys jumping on a bed, 5 speckled frogs, etc.)
- counting everything
- subitise ( saying amount without counting)
- recognising numbers and shapes in their environment
and much, much more!

Ten Town
Both in Nursery and Reception, children will become familiar with Ten Town; they will each have a personal login so they can access games and activities at home. Please use the login provided by school to reinforce and encourage children to enjoy learning about numbers.

Useful links