Early Years Vision
Early Years provision at Hartburn provides daily opportunities for every child to Explore, Develop and Learn. Children are happy, feel safe and secure and are welcomed into a nurturing environment.
Children actively explore the indoor and outdoor environment through curiosity, awe and wonder and begin to understand their own local and global responsibilities. They become inquisitive learners and ask questions to improve their critical thinking and build their independence and resilience.
They build trusting relationships with adults and their peers and develop their physical, social and emotional skills to ensure they are ready for the next stage of their learning journey.
We ensure all children achieve their full potential. Having the highest of expectations ensures that children are challenged and their individual interests and beliefs are valued and celebrated. Many of these inform planning, provision, the environment and play experiences.
Our Early Years Team are passionate about child development and dedicated to ensure every child can thrive, achieve and be successful as they begin their learning journey at Hartburn.
Here we are ‘Learning for Life’.

Nursery and Reception are both part of The Early Years Foundation Stage of Primary School. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a very important stage in learning at Hartburn Primary School. Children develop quickly in the Early Years and practitioners aim to provide children with best possible start to their education learning journey.
The content of the curriculum for Nursery and Reception can be found within the Curriculum Overview.
All children follow the new statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework 2021. This explains what and how your child will be learning. Young children learn through play and by active investigation and exploration. Through our high quality environments both indoors and outdoors your child will be developing skills, acquiring knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through seven Areas of Development. More detail on this can be found by clicking on the link below.
Children are provided with opportunities to learn through self initiated and adult led activities and challenges. They are encouraged to become active and independent developing a love of learning through real life experiences.
All children regardless of their starting points are encouraged to reach their full potential. Positive partnerships between home and school are valued and enhance learning opportunities for children both at school and at home.
Phase Leader
Mrs J Brown
Early Years Leader
‘The Foundation Stage at Hartburn emphasises the importance of play in the curriculum. Children need to play, as it helps to develop their imagination, communication and understanding in a way that is meaningful and relevant. Play is the principal means of learning in early childhood.’
Hartburn Early Years